Robert knew Irina through the VortexHealing classes and invited her to my Monday Meditation. Irina is a masseuse and a powerhouse of energy and healing talent and happens to live in my town. On September 1, 2014 (about a year after my first experience with Lorraine) Irina announced that she wanted to practice and anchor the new modality she had learned and would any of us be interested in being test subjects. Of course everyone present said yes.
I and my partner J.J. did the Genetic Healing session. It was long (2.5 hours) because Irina facilitated the release of personal, then karmic, then ancestral imprints from our DNA, RNA and epigenetic levels. (Maybe she’ll offer them in separate sessions once she’s ready to offer them to the public but I was happy to get the whole package at once.) Three days later she did the follow-up session, cleaning up any residual genetic leftovers. Then she did the Multi-Frequency Transmission which contains millions of life-frequencies and all the color variations of light, in dense and homeopathic form, so that my body systems could access whatever was needed to balance and harmonize the newly cleaned structures.
The other way to describe the feeling was like coming home and finding that all my furniture, accessories, walls and floors had been removed so that all that was left was a shell with a ceiling, structural supports and floor boards. Where did I go? Where’s my stuff? Who am I without my stuff? How can I live without a floor and walls and all my stuff? My ego was completely thrown off and became very cranky because the familiar 'clogged' state of being was gone.
Just now as I'm writing this, J.J. came to me to show me a wound he just got when he stood up from stroking one of the cats, hit his head hard on the slider handle, and scraped a triangular piece of skin from his forehead just above his third eye. We treated the wound then he said, "I'm surprised at how I reacted because normally I would have said 'mother f__er, %$#@**&^%$** but I just felt the pain and came up to show you." We laughed about what it took to open up his third eye and I told him not to be surprised at any visions he might now experience. His new calm reaction was a real testimony on the effectiveness of the changes he experienced as a result of the genetic healing.
This process has worked on the personal, karmic and ancestral levels and the proof is in the details of daily living. I've been constantly noticing and adapting to this new inner state. I am in a state of BEing that is palpable and real. BEing. All I want is to BE . . . wait for the next moment to see what calls me, or what guidance I receive, then do it . . . then go back to “being” again.

I encourage you to explore it more deeply.
VortexHealing is not something we created but comes to us as a gift of the divine presence within the Merlin lineage. And the intention of that divine presence is to heal us, transform us, and open us to the inner freedom of our true being.
Most healing arts that work with the Divine use Divine energy (also called Divine light) but do not access Divine consciousness. Although Divine energy is pure healing energy, it is Divine consciousness that transforms the roots of the consciousness of separateness. When Divine consciousness is truly accessed, it also acts as an independent intelligence; it knows exactly where the roots of your issues are held and goes directly there to transform them. VortexHealing works with both Divine energy and Divine consciousness, accessing both in a variety of ways.
Genetics & Multi-Frequency Devices
The Genetic transmission enables the practitioner to release personal, karmic and ancestral imprints from the DNA, as well as to effect changes in the epigenetic level. And the research we are doing in this field—from both medical tests and university genetics studies—indicates that the effects we can create on the epigenetic level are impacting genetic expression. Hence, in addition to working on genetic "kinks", you can create genetic "enhancements" to your system as well.
The “Multi-Frequency contains millions of life-frequencies and all the color variations of light, in dense and homeopathic form. It can be used to release, to harmonize, to nurture or to ‘re-set’ various system in the body.
(Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene expression caused by certain base pairs in DNA or RNA being "turned off" or "turned on" again, through chemical reactions.)
“VortexHealing” is a registered service mark of Ric Weinman. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more information on VortexHealing visit